Collection databases available for consultation online

Publications showing items from the collections available for consultation online

  • Database of AUTOGRAPHS collected between approximately 1836 and 1861 by Prince Albert and Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and held in the Veste Coburg Art Collection.   > display (PDF)

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  • "Gotha und seine Umgebung" ("Gotha and its Environs") - Album with photos by Francis Bedford, 1858 (KpB. 1549)   > display
  • "Coburg und seine Umgebung" ("Coburg and its Environs") - Album with photos by Francis Bedford, 1857 (KpB. 1548)   > display
  • Catalogue of "Illustrated Pamphlets from the Centuries of the Reformation and Wars of Religion", edited by Wolfgang Harms, compiled by Beate Rattay, exhibition at the Veste Coburg Art Collections from July 24 to October 31, 1983   > display (PDF)

    To display and print this document requires Adobe Reader, which you can download here free of charge.

  • Felix Billeter / Vanessa Voigt. Provenance research to the Old German paintings of the Schäfer Collection at the Veste Coburg Art Collections, final report, 2015   > display (PDF)

    To display and print this document requires Adobe Reader, which you can download here free of charge.

  • Lucas Cranach d. Ä., Werkstatt - Turnierbuch Kurfürst Johann Friedrichs des Großmütigen, Kurfürst von Sachsen, 1539-1543, Inv.-Nr. Ms.02   > display
  • Album der badischen Künstler zur Vermählung der Prinzessin Alexandrine, 1842, Inv.-Nr. Gr.Kat.XXVIII.050   > display

Links to online databases indexing individual collections at the Veste Coburg

  • Individual collections at Digitaler Portraitindex Digitaler Portraitindex   > display
  • Einzelbestände der Kunstsammlungen im Cranach Digital Archive Cranach Digital Archive   > display
  • Music autographs from the Veste Coburg autograph collection on Repertoire International des Sources Musicales Music autographs from the Veste Coburg autograph collection   > display
  • Individual collections at the Répertoire International d'Iconographie MusicaleThe Répertoire International d'Iconographie Musicale (RIdIM) is an international association for the cataloguing and interpretation of representations of visual objects featuring music and dance-related topics or content. RIdIM's Munich-based working group currently lists 14,000 objects in its "RIdIM Germany: Database on Music and Dance in Art", including 523 objects from the Veste Coburg Art Collections. You can consult the data records (including some with illustrations) here:   > display
  • Bach digital Bach digital is a large, detailed, powerful database – and a reliable tool for exploring the constantly updated research findings on Johann Sebastian Bach and other composers in his family.   > anzeigen